Memberstack allows to set Signup and Login redirects for membership plans, but to customize redirects you will need to use a custom code to override redirect URLs on a Member level or a specific UX scenario.
Webflow & Memberstack: Override default Memberstack redirects on Signup & Login
Case: Redirect a user back to the gated content on Signup or Login
- We have a collection-based content, let's say Posts on a Webflow website — a Source Page.
- The content is gated and has a CTA form with an email field and Join Now button.
- The form redirects to the Sign Up page with Memberstack email & password form.
- We need to capture the Source Page's url automatically and then redirect a user back to it after Signup.
As soon as Memberstack doesn't allow to set redirect URLs dynamically, we need a method to capture a source page URL and then override Memberstack default On Signup or Login redirects.
Method: Save page URL to browser's sessionStorage then to retrieve and redirect back to it
- Save page URL and email field value at the Source Page to the browser sessionStorage.
- Redirect a user to the Sign Up page.
- Pre-populate email field from sessionStorage.
- Set a default Memberstack redirect to the "technical" empty page such as /redirect — we will need it to redirect a user to the Source Page.
- at the /redirect page, retrieve URL from signup-source parameter value saved to sessionStorage and redirect a user to it.
Step 1: Save parameters to sessionStorage at the Source Page and redirect to Sign Up page
At the Source Page create a form:
- From block ID: emailform
- Method: POST
- Email field ID: email
- Redirect URL: leave empty (we will assign it via custom code);
Action: leave empty.
Add this code to before </body> at the Page Settings:
// Get the form element
var form = document.getElementById("emailform"); // Replace "emailform" with the actual ID of your form element
// Add a submit event listener to the form to perform the following action on the form submission
form.addEventListener("submit", function(event) {
// Prevent the default form submission behavior
// Get the email input value and the current page URL
var emailInputValue = document.getElementById("email").value;
var currentUrl = window.location.href;
// Save the email and page URL value to sessionStorage
sessionStorage.setItem('email', emailInputValue);
sessionStorage.setItem('signup-source', currentUrl);
// Redirect to the Signup page
window.location = "signup";
Step 2: Create a Sign Up form and set default Memberstack redirect
At the Sign Up /signup page create a form:
- Form ID: signupform
- Method: POST
- Form attributes: data-ms-form="signup"
- Email field:
- Type: Email
- ID: email
- Field attributes: data-ms-member="email"
- Password field:
- Type: Password
- Field attributes: data-ms-member="password"
- Submit button.
At Memberstack dashboard go to Plans and set default redirects On Signup and On Login to /redirect page:
Step 3: Pre-populate email field in the Sign Up form by retrieving value from sessionStorage
Add the following script to ideally within the <head> or just before the closing </body> tag in the Page Settings.
// Retrieve the email value from sessionStorage
var emailValue = sessionStorage.getItem('email');
// Check if the email value exists in sessionStorage
if (emailValue) {
// If the email value exists, set it as the value of the email input field
document.getElementById('email').value = emailValue;
Step 4: Retrieve Source Page URL from sessionStorage and redirect a user to it
Create an empty page with /redirect slug. Memberstack will redirect all users on Signup and Login to this page where we can route them further the way we want.
Add this code to the <head> or before the closing </body> tag in the Page Settings.
// Read the 'signup-source' value from sessionStorage
var signupSource = sessionStorage.getItem('signup-source');
// Automatically redirect the user to the "signup-source" URL
if (signupSource) {
window.location.href = signupSource;
} else {
// Redirect to a home page (or elsewhere you want) if no "signup-source" URL is found
window.location.href = "/";
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